Friday, August 24, 2007


Wednesday was boyfriend's birthday! I am pretty sure he had a good day.I got him a cake! It was large and we had a lot of trouble fitting it into the freezer.

Thursday night I went to a spooky place.

Then, boyfriend, some special girls and Tyson Shwaluk took me to a ghost walk. What happens is, you walk around and meet ghosts. The ghosts seemed like they were still living.
We took the 10:15 tour!

It was the scariest one!

This house talked to us. It was hard to understand. Kind of a muffled recording. I think it wants to be restored.. because it was asking for donations. This is a campsite after some Northwest company and the Hudson's Bay company fellows had a brawl. You can't tell, but there is a sleeping drunkard in a grey blanket.

Overall, I had a good time. It was worth the dollar.

1 comment:

deedle said...

Is it Halloween already cuz my mom is having her's at her lake and you went on a ghost walk, did someone change it? Huh?