Sunday, December 5, 2010


I have bronchitis and I am so tired of it. I asked a doctor to help me and now I am taking antibiotics. I hope it works!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Back in Time

In September, my family and I attended MacDon Family day!
MacDon is a great company. What a great product!
We went on a lot of rides. I had a great time on the merry-go-round.
Unfortunately the pickles were not being sold that day. Fortunately the rides and games were free and they gave us cotton candy, popcorn and a delicious meal.
Unfortunately, they brought in some clowns for the day.
This was the highest I was comfortable at. I could not wait to get off of this ride.
This guy.
When they called out the last ticket number for prizes, we all ran to our vehicles! MacDon family day was very fun and I enjoyed the time with my family. The best ride was the roller coaster. I had more fun than I should have on that ride.
In other news, I would like to learn to make one of these.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

This and the other

This past weekend, Boyfriend's family came to town and we went to some tourist destinations outside of winnipeg. This graveyard is the home of one of Boyfriend's Great-Great-Great (and I forget how many more greats..) family member. We spent a long time searching for the grave, but did not locate it.
I Thought this was cute...
Until I realized that it was amazing. Ralph TIPPER. 
We ate at a fun restaurant. I had a cheeseburger and onion rings. I was full but I decided to get a sundae afterwards. Delicious! We went for supper only a few hours later and I was still very full which was disappointing. 
Recently a special friend left for a far away land for a long time. I will miss her a lot and I hope she will miss me too.
This dog was at her going away party! It was the most well-behaved pug I have ever encountered. Way to go owner!
My camera has a digital zoom tool on it, which I discovered on my canoe trip.

Great! I had some fun with it. I love plants!
  Well, school has started and I am a little overwhelmed with all of my responsibilities for the next few months. I cannot guarantee new blogs. Goodbye summer!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


I grew these things! I have been enjoying delicious vegetable suppers lately.
I went canoeing for my vacation this year! The bugs were terrible.
I saw some wildlife... on the way home.
Sometimes it was pretty.
Also this summer I went to Gimli!
I talked to the people in the old village a little... I asked them if there were parrots in Iceland. Nope. They used nylon for their feathers.
The beach was full.
I also went to Folklorama! This lady sang at the Russian pavilion. 
For some reason there were clowns. The littlest one started flipping. Recently, the Russian  pavilion has come under some controversy regarding several sick patrons.
This place was fun. It was on the way to Gimli.
They sold a lot.
One day, Greta rode in the car with Boyfriend to pick me up.
She was scared.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Dogs and more

I am going to this lovely lake soon. It will be fun.

The best thing about buying a house in the winter. Secret plants all over the yard.
These plants were put in the ground by me. I am impressed with the garden. I will definitely do a better job next year as I know not to plant a billion radishes. Anyone need radishes?
So summer in Winnipeg means it is Paws In Motion time. This is the best event at Assiniboine Park because you get to see every kind of dog.

These are a few examples.                                      (Couldn't leave out the cats)
There are fat dogs.

                                                                                      Silly dressed up dogs

Crazy flying dogs.                                                              Dogs in pools.

And really big dogs.

I love to look at dogs. Maybe one day I will want to own one.

In other news, this glass broke recently. It was a favourite.
Boyfriend and I visited this cute girl in May. She watered the cats very well.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Now it is Summer

This is a girl I found in a tree. (Not dead)
My garden has been producing a lot of sweet treats!
Recently my sisters and I visited the home that they lived in before I was born. I was in my mom's tummy at the time so I don't remember a thing.
I liked some of the rooms! This was my parents room.
My mom put up this wallpaper a long time ago for my sister's strawberry shortcake themed room.
I also got to see this dog. Do not be fooled by the apparent angry look though, my cousin taught this dog to "smile".
This is the barn behind the old house.
On another day, Boyfriend cooked up some great food on the BBQ!
I went to a special birthday party and tried on all of the party hats.
This guy also enjoyed the party hats.