Monday, July 27, 2009

Beach Day

This weekend my sister and I went to the beach! We decided to give Lake Manitoba a try. It didn't take very long at all to get there. The beach was not very big, but we found a nice spot by the garbage can.
The lake was a lot of fun because there were lots of waves.
This little guy was trying to steal my sister's sandwich while she was swimming! I had a nice day, but I burned my shoulders and part of my face. BEACH FUN!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


This morning I went to the dentist for the first time in a long time. It was not terrible. The lady asked me if I had my teeth whitened. I said I did not. She said I have white teeth. That made finding out about the cavities so much nicer.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Party lifestyle

Well I have certainly been enjoying my summer! One day all of my sisters and I crimped our hair. Mine looked the worst.
Look at the beautiful shores of the Red River by the forks.. just breath-taking!

This is my fantastic friend! We went to Aboriginal day at the forks and she showed us her moves.

But wait... it looks like I have some moves of my own!


Looks like I know what I am doing on a skateboard!

This wonderful lady gave a concert and I happened to be front row centre for it! She was great and my only regrets are the terrible jerks behind me and that she didn't play longer. Also got on APTN a bunch.. we taped it to watch for eternity.

Looks like Greta is still cute.
Here is a nice boy, Telly. He was stalking some prey in the backyard.

Some special friends including Tyson Shwaluk and I went to the Paws In Motion at Assiniboine Park. We saw some of the greatest dogs in the city.

I liked so many of them!

This summer Boyfriend and I were invited to a cabin for the weekend. It was fun! This flag was old.
It is on Booster Lake in Nopiming Park. I liked it! Here is Tyson Shwaluk on the dock enjoying the day!

Here is Boyfriend and a special girl walking up to the cabin!
The water was ok, not warm but we all went swimming for a bit.
To finish off, I ran into what I thought was an old lady but it turned out to be a cat. I enjoyed the look.

Friday, May 1, 2009


One day I went shopping with Boyfriend and a special friend.
We made some great food together!
Including meat!
This cat was upstairs. She wanted a belly rub.
This cat wanted to go outside and come back in right away.
Last week this fair was happening.. I thought it was kind of cold for this...

The Easter Bunny came to my Parent's house!! I am the youngest in my family. I am 24.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Blog Season

Hey spring, welcome back. Want to explore the last year together?

Last summer I went camping with my family. I enjoyed it.

I took a picture of my favourite graffiti in the world.

I want to go back but I don't think I can this summer.

In The fall, I went to a field and held a gun.

I spent some time looking at the field. Then my camera broke. Then it got fixed.

In The winter, Boyfriend hugged a big dog.

Also in the winter, we got this cat.

She is very silly.

Brother and sister!

I like this cat!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

New Cat!

This is Greta, my new cat. She is a kitten, really. I did not take these pictures! She is fun and bad.