Thursday, August 19, 2010


I grew these things! I have been enjoying delicious vegetable suppers lately.
I went canoeing for my vacation this year! The bugs were terrible.
I saw some wildlife... on the way home.
Sometimes it was pretty.
Also this summer I went to Gimli!
I talked to the people in the old village a little... I asked them if there were parrots in Iceland. Nope. They used nylon for their feathers.
The beach was full.
I also went to Folklorama! This lady sang at the Russian pavilion. 
For some reason there were clowns. The littlest one started flipping. Recently, the Russian  pavilion has come under some controversy regarding several sick patrons.
This place was fun. It was on the way to Gimli.
They sold a lot.
One day, Greta rode in the car with Boyfriend to pick me up.
She was scared.