Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Boyfriend bought me flowers! He even set them up for me!
One day I played with Lester!
Last Friday, Boyfriend drove me to my appointment to get my wisdom teeth removed. This is me afterwards. I felt funny.
It just so happened that the man came to work on our floors that day, so Lester spent some time at my parent's house with me while I "recovered". He met a cat and a rabbit. I think he had fun.
Look! Here is evidence that I got to sleep through the "operation", which I very much recommend!
I survived on the treats that Boyfriend bought me!
And my sister and mommy made me Jello!
Overall, I wouldn't do it again, but it feels good to know I wont have to!

1 comment:

Luke in Progress said...

oooh... teeth out, that sucks. Good thing Alx has the finance to buy you soda and icecream.