I had another fun filled weekend! Friday after work Boyfriend picked me up and we went to Sargeant Blue Jean, and both picked out new pants! (matching!) Then we went for supper at La Fiesta and it was great, even though I had Nachos... which seems lame, but I LOVE nachos!
They had lots of brown stuff on them, and lots of cheese, so it was great! There was a man on the stage singing mostly love songs so it was romantic and special. Afterwards we went to a store to look at shoes, but no purchases were made. Then we went to the movie "Knocked Up".

Saturday I worked until 4, and then I went to the mall with my sister. We had a good time overall, but we had to leave because the doors we closing and I didn't want to be trapped in the mall for the entire weekend! Saturday night I went to Charleswood in Motion (or Chuck N' Mo) with Boyfriend and some other cool friends. I was a little disappointed that the fair grounds were moved to a different area, but I was assured that due to recent weather, it couldn't have been any other way. We had hamburgers, mini donuts, went on the bum
per cars, and played shooting games. It was the best. Unfortunately we missed most of the fireworks because we were on the bumper cars (basically the only ride that you couldn't see the sky from). Afterwards we had ice cream at an apartment.
Sunday was also a lot of fun! I took a bus back to Charleswood in the morning to go see the parade, and as I walked up to my street, I saw my mom in her lawn chair waiting for it, even though it wasn't supposed to start for 25 minutes! I went home and got my sisters together and we watched the parade! It was the shortest one ever, and no shriners! (actually, right before the parade we saw one drive up another street .. perhaps he was lost??) 

After the parade, we went back to Chuck N' Mo, and I ate a lot of food, and watched the Folklorama dancers and had lots of fun petting the animals in the petting zoo!

(I can't believe that I was Kneeling in an animal enclosure.)
I washed my hands and helped my mom at her booth in the arena.
When we got home, we went straight to my uncle's house for his birthday party. We had supper there, which was amazing, because it was steak and it was the good kind that we never have... We had cake, and he opened his boring gifts and we left.
When I got home, I had a message to call Boyfriend about going bowling! I called him back and off we went! We bowled with 4 other cool people. At first I was loving the bowling, but then I actually (and this has never happened to me in my entire life) became bored of it. I bowled one entire game with my left hand because I didn't care anymore. This upsets me very much because I love bowling!! Maybe I was just tired, and I knew I'd have to be up early, etc.

After bowling I went home and read a romance comic (Saturday Present from Boyfriend!) and went to sleep.. All in all a very eventful weekend. Not much is getting done at home... I have had the same dishes in my sink for some time now, and I'm almost out of socks!
This morning my buses didn't meet each other like they have every other day I've taken them for 3 months. I was late for work for the very first time in my life, and it hurt my stomach. I don't think anyone knew I was late though.. it was only six minutes. (heartbreaking.)

Wow, sounds like you had a wicked weekend. LOL!
People should read this.
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